A little while ago I did a post on Instagram about showing my full face and the fear associated with a full frontal view of myself in a picture. Although I was mostly associating it with the literal fear of showing my face, I knew that it was so much deeper. I had a conversation with a friend recently and she highlighted the depth in really showing your face, in terms of showing the world who you really are. We are all multidimensional persons, but sometimes we only show the world one face or certain people only get to see one face or one part of your face. It made me think about how there are so many pieces to me that I have put together with The Pink Portal and how it is a means of me showing my full face. There are people who only know me as someone who went to law school and who works for the federal government. A straight, direct, to the point person who follows the rules and who manages and supervises people. However, my full face is so much more and it has come together with The Pink Portal.
For years, I studied painting and photography, wrote short stories, and focused on artistic expression. I also have a background in promotional marketing and sales, for which I did extremely well. I have a degree in Women's Studies, have worked on women's empowerment initiatives, and ran a domestic violence shelter. In addition, I have worked on consumer protection and competition (antitrust) cases as well as worked in a low income tax payer's clinic, and represented students and home daycare providers. I also do some party decorating for friends and family. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, womanist, Christian, but enjoy some "ratchet-tivity" every now and again. I have never displayed myself entirely to the world until now. The Pink Portal is important to me because it is my full face.
-Remi, Co-Owner/Creative Director, The Pink Portal, LLC